After two-decade-long hiatus from the prestigious Academy Award, a Tanzanian movie has been shortlisted for recognition in the latest nomination. The shortlisted movie, Vuta N’kuvute is in...
In Nigeria, police have arrested a lawyer and human rights activist, Prof. Zainab Duke Abiola for allegedly assaulting her orderly in Abuja, the country’s capital. It...
On Tuesday, former Kenya President Uhuru Kenyatta handed power to his former deputy, William Ruto, at a colourful ceremony in Nairobi. Uhuru fell out with his...
In Senegal, the Mayor of the capital city, Dakar has failed at another push in his legal battle as an appeal court on Wednesday confirmed a...
Guinea’s military leader, Mamadi Doumbouya is in Mali to meet his counterpart, Colonel Assimi Goita for the country’s 62nd-anniversary celebrations. Mali’s military ruler upon arrival welcomed...
The continued detention of Ivorian soldiers by Mali has triggered protest in Ivory Coast’s economic capital Abidjan as hundreds of people marched through the streets on...
The Chairman of the African Union and President of Senegal, Macky Sall at the ongoing United Nations General Assembly argues for the interest of Africa amidst...
A rights group, Amnesty International has accused the Egyptian authorities of “continuing to stifle freedoms.” Amnesty made the accusation on Wednesday, six weeks before the opening...
There has been an update on the number of casualties in the deadly clash between farmers and herders in Chad last week. Chadian authorities said at...
In his last address at the United Nations General Assembly, Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari called for debt cancellation for poor and developing countries. President Buhari made...