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‘Nigeria has witnessed significant progress under Tinubu’— SGF Akume



Nigeria’s Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), George Akume, has given thumbs up to the administration of President Bola Tinubu, saying the country has witnessed tremendous progress in just one year of the government.

Akume, who was speaking at the ‘Ministerial Sectoral Updates’ in Abuja on Wednesday, said despite the hardships being experienced as a result of the policies of the government, the administration had also rolled out social intervention programmes to mitigate the suffering of the people.

“I make bold to say that, Nigeria, under its present stewardship, has witnessed significant policy strides in various sectors including but not limited to,” Akume said as the Tinubu administration heads to its first year in office.

Listing some of the achievements of the government, the SGF noted in particular the following:

“i. The Presidential accent to the 2023 Electricity Bill, a move that dismantled monopolistic control over electricity generation, transmission and distribution at the national level and granted authority to State Governments, Corporations and individuals to generate, distribute and transmit electricity, thus decentralizing the power sector;

ii. Accent to the passage into law of the Nigeria Data Protection Bill 2023 that established a legal framework for safeguarding personal information and promoting data protection practices in Nigeria; and

iii. The challenging but very necessary Removal of Fuel Subsidy, a longstanding policy notorious for fostering corruption, and inefficiency and imposing significant fiscal strain on the government annually, and primarily benefitting the affluent and smugglers, rather than effectively aiding the general populace.

​It is apt to say that under President Tinubu’s stewardship within his first year in office, we have witnessed significant strides in various sectors of our economy.

Through prudent fiscal policies and strategic investments, the Nigerian economy has shown resilience and potential for growth.

The administration’s focus on infrastructure development, job creation and economic diversification has laid the foundation for sustainable progress and prosperity for all Nigerians.

Furthermore, the government’s commitment to good governance and the rule of law has strengthened our democratic institutions and enhanced transparency and accountability in governance,” Akume said.

However, his optimism is not shared by a majority of Nigerians, especially the masses who have been at the receiving end of the stick.

The ordinary Nigerians do not seem to enjoy the present administration of President Tinubu due to the hardship and hunger they have been made to go through due to the policies of the government.

Cost of living has skyrocketed and the prices of basic commodities have gone out of the reach of the masses while government officials are living large at their expense.

A labour leader who lamented the current situation in the country on Wednesday summed it up with these words:

“Government cannot be telling us that there is no money; this is an insult. We did not remove subsidies or float the national currency.

“The government created this problem. Since the removal of the petrol subsidy and floating of the naira, has the government shown proof that the country has no money, no?

“We are aware that the government gave members of the National Assembly no less than N160 million each to buy cars, the same government has released N90 billion to subsidise hajj operations.

‘’The government has renovated the Senate chambers, and the vice president’s office, and it is buying luxury buses for Customs in millions of naira.

‘’They are also buying all manner of SUVs for government officers. Since the removal of subsidies, the government has been making life better for political elites who have been feeding fat on workers.

“Crude oil sales have increased considerably and it has been getting more money in dollars, while workers have been suffering and going deeper into poverty.

“The state governors have been receiving three times more than they were receiving before the removal of subsidy. We cannot accept this. We did not cause the socio-economic challenges the country is facing.

“The government inflicted these problems on the country with their ill-thought out and unprogressive policies of subsidy removal and devaluation of the national currency. If the country has no money, let it reflect in the lives of government officials, their aides and cronies.”


Zambia: Apex Court sets July 8 to rule on Lungu’s eligibility for elections



Zambia’s apex court, the Constitutional Court, has reserved ruling on a petition challenging the eligibility of former President Edgar Lungu to stand for future elections to July 8 following a request by the government not to dismiss the case as demanded by his lawyers.

The State which was represented by Attorney-General, Mulilo Kabesha, Solicitor-General, Marshal Muchende, and other advocates, had argued that the petition filed by a Lusaka resident, Michelo Chizombe, had not been finalised, contrary to Lungu’s claims.

During the hearing of the case on Friday, the State also sought a review of an earlier decision declaring Lungu eligible, contending that the matter was neither finalised nor time-barred and therefore, the petition should be heard on its merits.

Lungu’s legal team led by Makebi Zulu and Jonas Zimba, who had requested for the case to be dismissed, questioned the motive behind the repeated petitions, urging the court to end what they described as an abuse of process.

They further argued that Lungu should not be repeatedly summoned to court over the same eligibility issue, noting the recent summon marked the fifth time the issue had been brought before the court.

“A judicial decision must be accepted as correct. They have refused to accept your decision, meaning they had recourse to the decision and simply do not agree with you. If this is allowed, there will be no end to litigation,” Makebi told the court.

However, Chizombe’s counsel, Michael Moono, who countered Lungu’s lawyers, contended that the issue could not be “res judicata” as the petitioner was not a party to the four previous petitions.

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Despite hardship, Nigerian lawmakers push for new jets for Tinubu, Shettima



Despite the hardship and pervasive hunger Nigerians are going through occasioned by the drastic economic policies of the President Bola Tinubu-led administration, members of the National Assembly are pushing to purchase new presidential jets for the President and Vice President.

The recommendations for the purchase of the new jets, according to reports, were made by the Committee on National Security and Intelligence in the House of Representatives and is expected to get the nod of the Presidency for the purchase of the planes to sail through.

An exclusive report carried out by a reputable media outfit during the week had revealed that the committee made the proposition in a report issued after its technical subcommittee conducted a hearing on the status and airworthiness of aircraft in the Presidential Air Fleet (PAF).

The committee report which was signed by its chairperson, Ahmed Satomi, and the clerk, Makwe Eric, showed that it had already been forwarded to the presidency for action.

“The Committee is of the strong and informed opinion that considering the fragile structure of the Nigerian federation and recognising the dire consequences of any foreseen or unforeseen mishap that may arise as a result of technical/operational inadequacy of the Presidential Air Fleet, it is in the best interest of the country to procure two additional aircraft as recommended,” the report read in part.

Further investigations reveal that plans to buy new aircrafts for the president and vice president began as early as February this year despite the hues and cries from Nigerians due to the pains and agony they have been subjected to since the present administration came into power in 2023.

The investigation also revealed that the federal government was tired of spending humongous amount of money in maintaining the aircraft in the fleet as the maintenance of the presidential fleet between the routine maintenance and purchase of parts, the aircraft had been guzzling huge amounts of money.

It was gathered that Tinubu had put a hold on the move due to anticipated backlash that would follow any move to buy new aircrafts for the presidential fleet considering the economic downturn in the country, as millions of citizens battle every day to feed owing to impacts of some of the reforms of the current administration.

However, while justifying their call for new aircraft for Tinubu and Shettima, members of the House of Representatives Committee on National Security and Intelligence said their recommendation was based on available facts.

“This will also prove to be most cost-efficient in the long run apart from the added advantage of providing a suitable, comfortable and safe carrier befitting of the status and responsibilities of the office of the president and vice president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,” the committee said.

The panel said a new aircraft befitting the office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria should be procured, taking into consideration the country’s leading role in the West African, African, and global scheme of affairs.

“That for ease of administration and in order to guarantee a secure and dedicated main and backup fleet for the office of the president at all times, it is recommended that a new aircraft akin to Air Force Two of the USA be procured for the office of the vice president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,” the subcommittee added.

“This can also serve the office of the presiding officers of the National Assembly, the Chief Justice of Nigeria, etc., as appropriate.”

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