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Strictly Personal

That slave trade bill on medical doctors, By Suyi Ayodele



Barring strikes by the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) or the Non-Academic Staff Union of Universities (NASU), medical students spend an average of six years in the university. Upon graduation, they go through one year of Horsemanship. Thereafter, they observe the one-year compulsory NYSC programme. So, to become a medical doctor in Nigeria, one must have spent a minimum cumulative eight years! Eight years in the present-day Nigerian environment is closer to hell and its fiery furnace. Now, after the rigours of the eight years, some efulefu in Abuja are saying that an additional five years will be added before the licence to practice will be given. The proposed five years, in labour euphemism, is called labour bond. But the real name is pure Forced Labour or, better still, Modern Slavery.

My late father was 86 years old when I gained admission to the university in 1989. After I left the university and completed my NYSC, I looked for a job for three solid years. When there was no hope, a cousin obtained a postgraduate form for me and paid the initial deposit. I saw hell at the University of Ibadan (UI), undergoing my Masters. I could not go home to ask my parents for money because I knew the condition at home.  Thankfully, as I rounded off the programme, I was employed as a reporter by the Nigerian Tribune, which posted me to Benin, as the Edo State correspondent.

I arrived in Benin and nursed the hope that by the time I would be paid my salary, I would take the whole money home for parental blessings as tradition demanded, then. Lo and behold, before the salary was paid, I got a call from the Vicar of our All Saints’ Anglican Church, Oke-Bola, Ikole Ekiti, that my good, old, loving father had died. He died precisely on November 3, 1999. I was not able to give him a dime before he died at the ripe age of 86! Sad! The two of us were victims of the hopeless situation a failed leadership imposed on the country. Pa Solomon Fafunmiloni Obajusigbe Ayodele died without eating the fruits of his labour on me. This is exactly what the Abuja lawmakers are planning for most parents, who toil day and night to train their children and wards in the medical faculties across the country! May God forbid bad thing!

This is the year of the Lord 2023. But our legislators in the National Assembly, particularly the rancorous House of Representatives, are still living like fossils. Pity! Nigeria is a huge amphitheatre. We churn out lots of comedy daily. If anyone has ever wondered why nothing moves in the right direction in this country, such a person should visit the National Assembly and see the jokers there who make laws for the ‘common good’ of the nation. You cannot put anything perfidious past the ‘honourable’ men and women who live in Apo village. There is no grisly legislation they are not capable of decreeing. One of such is last week’s “Bill for an Act to Amend the Medical and Dental Practitioners Act, Cap. M379, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004, to mandate any Nigerian-trained Medical or Dental practitioner to practice in Nigeria for a minimum of five years before being granted a full licence by the council in order to make quality health services available to Nigeria”, sponsored by Ganiyu Johnson,who represents the Oshodi-Isolo II Federal Constituency of Lagos State in the lower legislative chamber. The Bill seeks to arrest the current brain drain in the medical circle, so, Johnson told us. And look at the ‘novel’ way the Rep member from Lagos State put it. Everyone who trained as a medical doctor in Nigeria will mandatorily practice for five years before he/she will be given the full licence to practice medicine in the country before venturing into other lands to practice.

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) defines Forced Labour or Modern Slavery in its “Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (N029) as; “All work or service which is exacted from any person under the threat of a penalty for which the person has not offered himself or herself voluntarily”. The international body in its The Forced Labour Protocol (Article 1(3) expressly affirms the definition above and goes ahead to expatiate the key elements of the definition to mean: “Work or service refers to all types of work occurring in any activity, industry or sector including in the informal economy. Menace of any penalty refers to a wide range of penalties used to compel someone to work”, adding that “Involuntariness, “The terms “offered voluntarily” refer to the free and informed consent of a worker to take a job and his or her freedom to leave at any time…”.  It, again, in its “General Survey on Forced Labour, ILO Committee of Experts, 2007” states what constitutes “Exceptions” to the definition in Article 2(2) of Convention No. 29, and gives five exceptional cases to include: “Compulsory military service, Normal civic obligations; Prison labour (under certain conditions); Work in emergency, situations (such as war, calamity or threatened calamity e.g. fire, flood, famine, earthquake), and, Minor communal services (within the community)”.

From the foregoing, what Johnson introduced to the House of Representatives last week falls under the ILO’s definition of Forced Labour or Modern Slavery. Hear his incomprehensible verbiage emitted on the floor of the house: “Government has invested so much money in training these medical doctors, on average. Recently, the United Kingdom opened healthcare visas to people, they were all going to the UK, USA, Canada so should we fold our hands? So, to give back to our society after training you, the least we can get from you after your Housemanship. Before you are given full license you practice for five years before you can go”. Even when Nkem Abonta, Ukwa East/West Federal Constituency of Abi State, countered the Lagos legislator, pointing out that such a legislation is “offensive” and “not obtainable in any clime”, the stone-age Lagosian would not have any of that. Expectedly, the Bill was put to a voice vote and most of the lawmakers supported it. That was the Second Reading stage.

There are two issues that Johnson and his co-travellers threw up. One is the issue of brain drain of medical personnel in Nigeria. That is worrisome, no doubt. However, it is rather funny, and even more unfortunate, that the very people that would turn up to legislate our children into modern slavery are the very set of individuals who created the problem of brain drain in the first instance. Can Nigerians ask Johnson and his gang how many of their children, wards and dependents are in our Medical Colleges in Nigeria? How many of their children, who they sent abroad to go and study medicine are back in Nigeria to practice? Again, can we ask them how many of our legislators, executive council members from General Muhammadu Buhari to the least Supervisory Councillors in the various local government areas, patronize Nigerian hospitals for their health issues? Where for instance, is the president-elect, Bola Ahmed Tinubu? Where has he been receiving medical attention for the list of ailments that trouble his frail frame? Will he end medical tourism after his swearing-in? From which government hospital does he receive medical care in Lagos, where he governed for eight years and, we are told, he ‘transformed’?

What do the Abuja legislators think we are? Were they not the same legislators that killed the “Bill for an Act to Amend the National Health Act 2014 to Regulate International Trips for Medical Treatment by Public Officers to Strengthen the Health Institutions for Efficient Service Delivery”, which sought to amend Section 46 of the National Health Act, 2014 to regulate international trips for medical treatment by public officers and to strengthen the health institutions for efficient service delivery? When the Bill came up for debate then, hear what Lasun Yusuf, the then deputy speaker of the House of Representatives said: “This bill is against my fundamental human right. There are two fundamental wrongs in this bill, it is against human right, and it is discriminatory. Do not let us debate this bill”. End of story!  Where is that Bill today? If stopping our leaders from seeking medical attention abroad is against their fundamental human rights, how has compelling medical doctors to work for five years before being fully licensed enhanced their own fundamental human rights?

The second issue is Johnson’s sickening claim that “the Government has invested so much money in training these medical doctors”. Where and how much? How many medical students are on government scholarship? What about those children in the medical colleges of the various private universities? The body who should know, the Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria (MDCAN), described the Bill as “discriminatory, harsh and not in the interest of the people” and, “an excellent example of modern-day slavery”. MDCAN, in a press statement endorsed by its President, Dr Victor Makanjuola, and Secretary-General, Dr Yemi Raji, said: “In fact, this bill has the possible effect of doing the exact opposite: aggravating the exodus which we have been working with the Executive arm of Government to mitigate… Perhaps, a simple consultation with the primary constituency to be affected by the bill would have afforded the honourable member a clearer understanding of the hydra-headed nature of the problem he is trying to solve”. Indeed, Johnson must have been very ignorant of the nuances of brain drain in the country. MDCAN asked if there would be “another Bill to mandate the senior doctors to stay in the system for 10 years”? it added that the bill “violates the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as Section 34 (1) b states that “no person shall be held in slavery or servitude” while Section 34 (1) c states that “no one shall be required to perform forced or compulsory labour”. The association submitted that “bonding medical doctors who never benefited from any public sponsorship is, therefore, an anomaly, and a clear attempt to reap from where one has not sowed”. It dismissed the notion that doctors received heavily subsidized education as gravely fallacious!

Our leaders are indeed far from the reality of our deplorable situation. I know of a family friend, whose son, after completing his six-year training as a medical doctor, stayed over a year at home before he could secure a place for his Housemanship. I know nursing graduates, who for over six months now have been looking for where to do their internship. How long then will a civil servant or a simple struggling trader who obtained loan upon loan from ubiquitous loan sharks in the country to train a child in a Nigerian medical school have to wait to eat the fruits of his/her labour from such a child? Yet in Abuja, we have absent legislators tinkering with slavery in the 21st century Nigeria! These are people whose children are in the best universities abroad. The same set of people, who will corner scholarship slots meant for public competitions and award the same to their children are now telling us about “subsidized training” for medical students. I asked a friend to send the preachings of Sheik Muyideen Hussein, the Chief Imam Agba of Offa to me.  The ‘rascal’ that he is sent one titled: “Oselu Ika” (Wicked Politics), delivered at the Fidau prayers for a deceased APC chieftain, Alhaji Hassan Eleyingold in Offa. I listened to the one hour, two minutes and forty-three seconds message uninterrupted. I would like to close today’s piece by paraphrasing one of the prayers by the Chief Imam Agba of Offa for all wicked politicians: May all those in authority seeking for the common man to labour but not reap the fruits of their labour, also work and not be available to reap the fruits! God bless Nigeria!


Strictly Personal

All eyes in Africa are on Kenya’s bid for a reset, By Joachim Buwembo



Whoever impregnated Angela Rayner and caused her to drop out of school at the tender age of 16 with no qualifications might be disappointed that we aren’t asking who her baba mtoto (child’s father) is; whether he became a president, king or a vagabond somewhere, since the girl ‘whose leg he broke’ is now UK’s second most powerful person, 28 years since he ‘stole her goat’.

Angela’s rise to such heights after the adversity should be a lesson to countries which, six decades after independence, still have millions of citizens wallowing in poverty and denied basic human dignity, while the elite shamelessly flaunt obscene luxury on their hungry, twisted faces.

After independence, African countries also suffered their adolescent setbacks in the form of military coups. Uganda’s military rule lasted eight years, Kenya’s about eight hours on August 1, 1982, while Tanzania’s didn’t materialise and its first defence chief became an ambassador somewhere.

What we learn from Angela Rayner is that when you’re derailed, it doesn’t matter who derailed you, because nobody wants to know. What matters is that you pick yourself up, not just to march on, but to stand up and shine.To incessantly blame our colonial and slave-trading ‘derailers’ while we treat our fellow citizens worse than the colonialists did only invites the world to laugh. Have you ever read of a colonial officer demanding a bribe from a local before providing the service due?

African countries today need to press ‘reset’. A state operates by written policies, plans, strategies and prescribed penalties with gazetted prisons for those who break the rules.  This is far more power than teenage Angela had, so a reset state should take less time to become prosperous than the 28 years it took her to get to the top after derailing.

So it’s realistic for countries to operate on five-year planning and electoral cycles, so a state that fails to implement a programme in five years has something wrong with it. It needs a reset.

A basic reset course for African leaders and economists should include:

1. Mindset change: Albert Einstein teaches us that no problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. For example, if you are in debt, seeking or accepting more debt is using the same level of thinking that put you there. If you don’t like Einstein’s genius, you can even try an animal in the bush that falls into a hole and stops digging. Our economists are certainly better than a beast in the bush.

2. Stealing is wrong: African leaders and civil servants need to revisit their catechism or madarasa – stealing public resources is as immoral as rape.

3. Justifying wrong doesn’t make it right: Using legalese and putting sinful benefits in the budget is immoral and can incite the deprived to destroy everything.

4. Take inventory of your resources and plan to use them: If Kenya, for example, has a railway line running from Mombasa to Nairobi, is it prudent to borrow $3.6 billion to build a highway parallel to it before paying off and electrifying the railway?

If Uganda is groaning under a $2 billion annual petrol import bill, does it make sense to beg Kenya for access to import more fuel, when Kampala is already manufacturing and marketing electric buses, while failing to use hundreds of megawatts it generates, yet the country has to pay for the unused power?

If Tanzania… okay, TZ has entered the 21st Century with its electric trains soon to be operating between Dar es Salaam and Morogoro. Ethiopia, too, has connected Addis Ababa to the port of Djibouti with a 753-kilometre electric railway,  and moves hundreds of thousands of passengers in Addis every day by electric train.

5. Protect the environment: We don’t own it, we borrowed it from our parents to preserve it for our children. Who doesn’t know that the future of the planet is at stake?

6. Do monitoring and evaluation: Otherwise you may keep doing the same thing that does not work and hope for better results, as a sage defined lunacy.

7. Don’t blame the victims of your incompetence: This is basic fairness.

We could go on, but how boring! Who doesn’t know these mundane points? We are not holding our breath for Angela’s performance, because if she fails, she will be easily replaced. Africa’s eyes should now be on Kenya to see how they manage an abrupt change without the mass bloodshed that often accompanies revolutions.

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Strictly Personal

The post-budget crisis in Kenya might be good for Africa, after all, By Joachim Buwembo



The surging crisis that is being witnessed in Kenya could end up being a good thing for Africa if the regional leaders could step back and examine the situation clinically with cool-headed interest. Maybe there is a hand of God in the whole affair. For, how do explain the flare not having started in harder-pressed countries such as Zambia, Mozambique and Ghana?

As fate would have it, it happened in East Africa, the region that is supposed to provide the next leadership of the African Union Commission, in a process that is about to start. And, what is the most serious crisis looming on Africa’s horizon? It is Debt of course.

Even the UN has warned the entire world that Africa’s debt situation is now a crisis. As at now, three or four countries are not facing debt trouble — and that is only for now.

There is one country, though, that is virtually debt-free, having just been freed from debt due to circumstances: Somalia. And it is the newest member of the East African Community. Somalia has recently had virtually all its foreign debt written off in recognition of the challenges it has been facing in nearly four decades.

Why is this important? Because debt is the choicest weapon of neocolonialists. There is no sweeter way to steal wealth than to have its owners deliver it to you, begging you, on all fours, to take it away from them, as you quietly thank the devil, who has impaired their judgement to think that you are their saviour.


So, the economic integration Africa has embarked on will, over the next five or so years, go through are a make-or-break stage, and it must be led by a member that is debt-free. For, there is no surer weapon to subjugate and control a society than through debt.

A government or a country’s political leadership can talk tough and big until their creditor whispers something then the lion suddenly becomes a sheep. Positions agreed on earlier with comrades are sheepishly abandoned. Scheduled official trips get inexplicably cancelled.

Debt is that bad. In African capitals, presidents have received calls from Washington, Paris or London to cancel trips and they did, so because of debt vulnerability.

In our villages, men have lost wives to guys they hate most because of debt. At the state level, governments have lost command over their own institutions because of debt. The management of Africa’s economic transition, as may be agreed upon jointly by the continental leaders, needs to be implemented by a member without crippling foreign debt so they do not get instructions from elsewhere.

The other related threat to African states is armed conflict, often internal and not interstate. Somalia has been going through this for decades and it is to the credit of African intervention that statehood was restored to the country.

This is the biggest prize Africa has won since it defeated colonialism in (mostly) the 1960s decade. The product is the new Somalia and, to restore all other countries’ hope, the newly restored state should play a lead role in spreading stability and confidence across Africa.

One day, South Sudan, too, should qualify to play a lead role on the continent.

What has been happening in Kenya can happen in any other African country. And it can be worse. We have seen once promising countries with strong economies and armies, such as Libya, being ravaged into near-Stone Age in a very short time. Angry, youthful energy can be destructive, and opportunistic neocolonialists can make it inadvertently facilitate their intentions.

Containing prolonged or repetitive civil uprisings can be economically draining, both directly in deploying security forces and also by paralysing economic activity.

African countries also need to become one another’s economic insurance. By jointly managing trade routes with their transport infrastructure, energy sources and electricity distribution grids, and generally pursuing coordinated industrialisation strategies in observance of regional and national comparative advantages, they will sooner than later reduce insecurity, even as the borders remain porous.

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