Nigeria, rich in resources and with a burgeoning young population, remains paradoxically stagnant due to its over-reliance on imports. This dependency, rather than being a temporary...
The current multicountry Mpox outbreak started in January 2022. It has now been declared a Public Health Emergency of Continental Security (Phecs) by the Africa CDC...
In recent weeks, Nigerian comedian, Brain Jotter, set off a dance challenge ‘Gwo gwo gwo ngwo.” It was a line taken from the song of folktale...
Borders have long been a source of tension in Africa, with poorly defined boundaries often leading to disputes between neighbouring communities and states. The East African...
Tanzania has been up to its tricks again. The Minister of Livestock and Fisheries Abdallah Ulega said Monday that the country’s meat exports have risen dramatically,...
There is losing, and then there is losing. The loss that the African National Congress suffered in the recently concluded elections in South Africa is a...
Last Wednesday, May 29, 2024, marked exactly the silver jubilee of Nigeria’s return to civil rule. However, the celebration has been shifted to June 12 in...
Earlier this month, some members of Kenya’s Gikuyu, Embu and Meru (Gema) communities met at the Limuru Conference Centre to discuss how President William Ruto and...
There is no shortage of news from the UK, a major former colonial master in Africa, over whose former empire the sun reputedly never set. We...
The name of the organisation is as opaque as a name can get: World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA). I had never heard of it. And...