The United Nations World Meteorological Organization, says more than 100 people have been killed in Malawi and Mozambique, after the deadly tropical storm, Cyclone Freddy, returned...
The devastating effect of Tropical Storm Freddy, has continued to hit the Southern hemisphere. The storm has killed 190 people in Malawi after ripping through southern...
Not less than 27 people have been confirmed killed as fiery tropical storm, Cyclone Freddy, made another landfall in Mozambique on Saturday as heavy rains and...
The death toll as a result of the tropical storm, Cyclone Freddy, in Mozambique and Madagascar has risen to 14, after the storm made a landfall...
Many homes and public infrastructures have been destroyed in Mozambique as tropical storm, Cyclone Freddy, tore through the eastern city of Vilankulos in Mozamique with a...
Seven people have been confirmed killed as tropical gust, Cyclone Freddy, continues to wreck havoc across Madagascar as well as the Indian Ocean regions for several...
Mozambican authorities have predicted that more than 600,000 people could be displaced by Cyclone Freddy which is expected to make a landfall in the coastal provinces...
A Mozambican pastor, Francisco Barajah, the founder of the Santa Trindade Evangelical Church, has died after trying to imitate a 40-days, by Jesus Christ as recorded...
Mozambican authorities have vowed to launch an investigation after a viral video surfaced on social media showing soldiers throwing dead bodies on a pile of burning...
The United Nations Security Council has formally welcomed Mozambique into its fold to replace Kenya for a two-year seat for the Eastern African region, following an...