Following a deadly attack which killed more than 130 civilians by jihadists in neighbouring villages, a group of Malians have called for state protection. The group expressed their concerns and...
The military junta in Mali led by Colonel Assimi Goita has announced that its decision to withdraw from the regional force, the G-5 Sahel will take...
Mali’s military junta led by Colonel Assimi Goita has created a body charged with responsibility for writing a new Constitution. Transitional government said the committee whose...
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has reacted to the transition plan announced by Mali’s ruling junta of Colonel Assimi Goita on Tuesday. The...
Mali’s military leader Colonel Assimi Goita has announced that Bamako will be returned to civil rule after twenty months. The position was made known through a decree...
Global humanitarian organization Red Cross has confirmed that two of its workers were killed when their car was attacked by unidentified armed men in western Mali. The...
A report by the United Nations on Monday said over 500 civilians have died in attacks carried out by armed forces and Islamist groups in Mali...
Three Italian Jehovah Witness missionaries have been kidnapped by armed militia in Southern Mali as violence continue to spread in the country currently ravaged by Islamist...
Reactions have continued to trail Mali’s decision to quit the West African anti-jihadist force, the G5 force. The latest to comment on the development...
France has joined its voice in reacting to Mali’s recent break-away from the West African anti-jihadist force, the G5 Sahel. Paris says it “regretted” the break. France says...