A three-episode BBC documentary titled, “Disciples: The Cult of TB Joshua”, released on Monday, has uncovered alleged dark secrets of late Nigerian televangelist and founder of...
A report by a financial firm, KPMG, has revealed that the use of Automated Teller Machines (ATM) for cash withdrawal in Nigeria has dropped to 40%...
Less than six months into his administration, President Bola Tinubu has suspended Nigeria’s embattled minister of humanitarian affairs, Betta Edu, following days of controversy surrounding financial...
Former Gambian minister, Ousman Sonko, was tried on Monday for crimes against humanity in a milestone case where a serial rape victim will testify after a...
Having closely followed the activities of the Nigerian parliament in the last two decades, the processes and procedures of that institution shouldn’t be strange to one...
With the 2023 African Cup of Nations (Afcon) tournament set to kick off in Ivory Coast, some major records will be up for obliteration while new...
South Africa’s advanced email and collaboration security company, Mimecast, has announced the acquisition of human risk management solutions provider, Elevate Security. David Raissipour, Chief Technology and...
Thousands of African descendants in Paraguay over the last weekend, kicked off the celebration of St. Balthazar’s Day, an annual festival that offers a special chance...
The Acting Director of Corporate Communications of Nigeria’s Central Bank, Hakama Sidi-Ali, has confirmed it settled almost $2 billion of forward liabilities in the past three months. The...
The Zambian Minister of Health, Silvia Masebo, has lamented the spread of cholera after 27 deaths were recorded from 567 fresh cases in 24 hours, with...