British actor, Idris Elba, has embarked on a project aimed at “reframing” Africa with the construction of a smart city in Sierra Leone, which he says...
In this video, a Namibian opposition lawmaker of the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM), Inna Hengari, decries difficulties around import and export enterprises in the South African...
According to recent data, Namibia’s population is now 3,022,401, as the Namibia Statistics Agency revealed the eagerly awaited preliminary results of the 2023 census in the...
A Zambian civil society group, Our Civic Duty Association (OCIDA), has petitioned the United States government, demanding for sanctions, including financial sanctions, visa restrictions and travel...
Airtel Africa has officially launched a first-ever 38MW data centre in Lagos, Nigeria, in collaboration with its Nxtra subsidiary. The ground-breaking ceremony of the new centre...
Following a two-year hiatus, Nigeria is returning to the international bond market with the first Eurobond issue since 2022. The nation issued $1.25 billion worth of...
The Nigerian government has ruled out the payment of ransom for the release of the over 280 school children and their teachers who were kidnapped by...
Nigerian President, Bola Tinubu, has directed the opening of Nigeria’s land and air borders with his country’s largest land neighbours, the Republic of Niger. The directive...
As part of a voluntary initiative to help reduce the backlog of refugees whose requests to stay in the country have been denied, the British government...
South Africa’s central bank governor, Lesetja Kganyago, has expressed confidence that his country will be removed from an international financial crime watchdog’s “grey list” next year,...