Three elite members of former Burkina Faso President, Blaise Compaore’s presidential guards, have been found guilty of murdering a student leader during a protest in the...
Burkina Faso’s former president Blaise Compaoré, on Tuesday apologized to the family of ex-leader, Thomas Sankara. Compaoré was sentenced in absentia to life in jail for...
Lawyers representing the civil parties in the case of former assassinated leader of Burkina Faso, Thomas Sankara demanded the arrest of return ex-leader Blaise Compaore. Blaise...
After spending eight years in exile, former Burkina Faso president, Blaise Compaore returned to Ouagadougou on Thursday. Scores of the ex-president’s supporters had gathered at Ouagadougou’s...
Burkinabe authorities has revealed that former president of Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaore will return from exile for the first time since being ousted in a 2014...
The Congress for Democracy and Progress, which is the party of former Burkina Faso ruler Blaise Compaoré has declared support for the current reconciliatory moves of...
Former President of Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaore, has been sentenced to life imprisonment by a military tribunal for the murder of his predecessor and ‘best friend’,...