A movie produced by the Zambian Army, titled, “The Law and My Freedom,” is set to hit the screens soon, according to the Director General, Civil...
The United Nations on Tuesday put the death toll in the ongoing supremacy clashes between the Sudanese Army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) paramilitary at...
The Sudanese military on Sunday confirmed that 56 civilians have been killed while hundreds of others, including combatants on both sides, have been injured as a...
The Sudanese army on Saturday said fierce fighting broke out in the capital, Khartoum, after paramilitary forces attacked its bases and camps, forcing the regular army...
Burkina Faso authorities says the country has acquired military equipment worth over $415 million to beef up the West African country’s Army’s fight against terrorism and...
The Democratic Republic of Congo military authorities have confirmed the displacement of thousands of people after renewed fighting broke out between the army and M23 rebels...