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Behind the News: All the backstories to our major news this week



Over the past week, there have been many important stories from around the African continent, and we have served you some of the most topical ones.

Here is a rundown of the backstories to some of the biggest news stories in Africa that we covered during the week:

Congo’s President Tshisekedi finally constitutes cabinet but challenges remain

A new government was announced by the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on Wednesday, bringing an end to over five months of extreme uncertainty. With President Felix Tshisekedi’s reelection in December, there had been a protracted standoff. However, this impasse ended on Wednesday with the announcement of the appointment of the new cabinet. Ten days after a coup attempt was thwarted, the government was formed.

Some of the appointments have been tagged as crucial to the country’s political set-up. For instance, Guy Kabombo Muadiamvita’s appointment as defence minister is targeted at a pivotal role given the coup attempt less than two weeks ago and the conflict that is raging between the Congolese army and Rwanda-backed M23 (March 23 Movement) rebels in the mineral-rich east of the country. He also appointed Judith Suminwa to be the first female prime minister of the DRC last month and named his former chief of staff, Vital Kamerhe, who was found guilty of corruption, as speaker of parliament earlier this month. He has lowered the number of ministers in the new government from 57 to 54, defying pressure to save expenses.

Having been declared winner of a disputed presidential election, which some, including the influential Catholic Church, had challenged. Tshisekedi pledged to transform his nation into “the Germany of Africa” at the start of his first term in office in 2019, expecting to boost the nation’s economy and generate jobs for the populace in a resource-rich but impoverished nation. Although he failed to reform such a large country in his first four years in office, he now has a second shot after emerging victorious in a wild election.

Until a few years before the 2018 election, Mr Tshisekedi had no experience in high-level DRC politics. His relationship with Étienne Tshisekedi, the late opposition leader, made him more well-known but a recently reported coup attempt linked with some American citizens might further compound political stability. The country remains a hotbed of insecurity – due to the significant internal displacement and the rise in violence, war, and instability in the eastern DRC, 25.4 million people—more than 25% of the population—are severely food insecure. Acute malnutrition affects an estimated 2.8 million children worldwide, according to the World Food Programme.

With 2.34 million square kilometres as the second-largest country in the continent and arguably the most blessed with natural resources, it is paradoxical that the DRC isn’t in the league of economic powers in the country nor the East African subregion, with Rwanda, Kenya, and most recently Tanzania raising their economic flags high.

South Africa: ANC’s 30-year parliamentary dominance ends

In a historic election outcome, the African National Congress (ANC) party has lost its parliamentary majority, setting South Africa on a new political trajectory for the first time since the 30 years ago end of the apartheid system of white minority rule. The once-dominant ANC earned about 40% of the vote in Wednesday’s election, far short of the majority it had consistently secured more than 60% of the vote in every election held since 1994 bringing apartheid to an end and placing it under Nelson Mandela’s leadership.

Apart from evident social political and economic decline like the energy crisis which has ravaged its macroeconomic being the most industrious country in the continent, the ANC has also been on a long internal strife and division history. The first instance occurred in the 1930s due to the Conservatives’ victory in the late 1920s, which split the party’s leaders over whether or not to work with the Communist Party. However, there were signs of discontent within the party before the 2007 national conference, after Thabo Mbeki’s constitutional limitation from running for a third term as president of South Africa. The choice of the country’s next president in 2009, hotly contested by Jacob Zuma, the ousted vice president at the time, would have been greatly influenced by Mbeki’s ability to win a third term as party president.

uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK), a new party formed by former president and ANC leader Jacob Zuma, managed to win 14.71%, taking votes away from the ANC, while the Democratic Alliance (DA), the largest opposition party, obtained 21.63%. According to the country’s electoral commission, which has counted 99.9% of the votes, the ANC received 40% of the popular vote during the May 29 election, followed by the Democratic Alliance (DA) at 21.8% and the Marxist Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) with 9.5%.

Voters in South Africa choose 400 members of the National Assembly, which is composed of province legislature representatives. Parties are given seats in the parliament through party-based voting. The winning party will subsequently be granted the highest authority in the nation when the parliamentarians choose the president. The ANC’s current leader, Cyril Ramaphosa, 71, will need to negotiate a coalition to retain dominance, which will begin a protracted period of talks and uncertainty over the country’s political direction. This is in contrast to the party’s hero, Nelson Mandela, who freely formed a power-sharing coalition to bridge distrust with rival parties in the early years of South Africa’s democracy.

Inside US-Africa sanctions rampage

The United States during the week announced penalties on two businesses in the Central African Republic that were connected to both illegal mining operations and the Wagner mercenary group in Russia. Washington claimed the firm and its businesses had “established a vast security and business network” in the African nation, accusing Wagner of supporting what it called Russia’s “malign activities” there.

According to the statement, all of the companies’ interests and assets within the nation, as well as any possession or control by Americans, are barred by the sanctions. We have levied sanctions on numerous international organizations and individuals who support the Wagner Group.

Wagner has served in the military and politics in several West African nations, most notably Mali and Libya in more recent times. 500 civilians are alleged to have died in May 2023 in Mali as a result of the mercenary group’s operation against al-Qaeda militants who were destroying Moura. International politics surround Wagner’s increasing engagement in West Africa; China dominates the continent regarding international economic relations, while Washington and Russia vie for Africa’s soul.

Five Ugandan governmental figures, including the Speaker of Parliament and the most recent Deputy Chief of Defence Forces, were also sanctioned by the US during the same week. This action in Kampala increases the demand to act about the officers’ integrity and human rights record.

The US remain keen to reinstall its waning influence in the continent and has ushered an array of recent diplomatic activities. It recently also accused Russian military personnel of entry into its military air base in Niger, according to a senior US defence official cited by Reuters.

Despite the odds, AfDB hints at better growth for African economies

Although many African countries are currently experiencing stress, the African Development Bank (AfDB) has hinted that the continent’s economy is expected to develop faster than 3.1% in 2023, reaching 3.7% this year and 4.3% the following year. The bank hopes to increase infrastructure investment with support from the IMF. The AfDB President, Akinwumi Adesina at an annual meeting of the bank. “African economies are experiencing great resilience despite the challenges posed by climate change, geopolitical tensions, global inflation, and rising debt, among others.”

Trade, manufacturing, agriculture, and the continent’s human resources make up Africa’s economy but Twenty-one African nations were categorized as either extremely vulnerable to external debt distress as of June 2023, or as having already experienced it. There are still a lot of concerns related to financial distress in the area. Many countries, including Ghana, Zambia, and Chad, have started debt restructuring programs to restore budgetary space and guarantee sustainability. Across the continent, growth is still uneven. West Africa is predicted to develop at a pace of 3.3% this year, while East Africa is predicted to grow at a rate of 1.8% in 2023. It is projected that by 2050, the combined GDP of West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, and Southern Africa will amount to $29 trillion.

The area has many development-related obstacles. The most current economic assessment for the region projects that Sub-Saharan Africa will grow by 2.5% in 2023, down from 3.6% in 2022. The region’s economy is negatively impacted by the rise in conflict and violence, and climate shocks are likely to worsen matters.

Africa can lead the way in achieving inclusive growth by putting money into developing its people. With a predicted net rise of 740 million people by 2050, the region will have the highest increase in the working-age population of any region during the next three decades. In the upcoming decades, up to 12 million young people in the region will enter the workforce annually, yet as of right now, only 3 million new formal wage employment are generated.

Behind the News

Behind the News: All the backstories to our major news this week



Over the past week, there have been many important stories from around the African continent, and we have served you some of the most topical ones.

Here is a rundown of the backstories to some of the biggest news stories in Africa that we covered during the week:

South Africa’s ANC remains in power despite electoral setback

It appeared that the dust had finally settled on South Africa’s 2024 general elections as its National Assembly concluded voting on the post of the Speaker of the Parliament, President, with the candidates of the ruling All National Congress (ANC) Thoko Didiza, and Cyril Ramaphosa emerged occupants of the country’s highest political jobs. The ascendancy of Didiza and Ramaphosa is the result of a coalition. The ANC and DA currently hold 246 of the 400 seats in the freshly elected National Assembly, which is enough to establish a coalition government.

The ANC party lost its parliamentary majority in an unprecedented election result, putting South Africa on a new political path for the first time since the end of the apartheid system of white minority rule thirty years earlier. In the election on Wednesday, the once-dominant ANC received roughly 40% of the vote, falling well short of the majority it had routinely secured—more than 60% of the vote—in every election since 1994 when apartheid was abolished and put under Nelson Mandela’s leadership.

The swaged performance notwithstanding, the ANC managed a coalition which the populist Economic Freedom Fighter (EFF) maintained it “contested because we wanted to demonstrate to South Africa that we did not agree with the marriage of convenience to consolidate the white monopoly power to dominate the economy and the means of production in South Africa. This marriage seeks to undermine the changing of property relations in South Africa. We refused to sell out, we had never done so when we were young and are not going to do so today.”

Since every party has distinct policies and views, the new government’s makeup will have a direct impact on South Africa’s future. Compromises and inter-party confidence building along the lines of President Nelson Mandela’s Government of National Unity, which included all of the ANC’s political rivals, including the National Party, following the first competitive multiparty elections in 1994, will be necessary for a government of national unity to be stable and effective for the people.

Nigeria strolling out of another FIFA World Cup

Nigeria’s senior football team is having it tough again on its journey to the World Cup after a devastating 2-1 loss to the Benin Republic at the Stade Félix Houphouët-Boigny in Abidjan. The Super Eagles have failed to win the AFCON twice and make it to the 2022 World Cup since former Nigerian coach Genet Rohr was fired in December 2021. On Monday, Rohr guided the Benin Republic to their first-ever senior victory over Nigeria in international football. The German Cheetahs appeared more disciplined, fit, and focused than Finidi’s Eagles. The loss marked the first time in 17 games over 47 years, dating back to a 7-0 victory in February 1977, that Nigeria had ever allowed two goals against Benin.

Nigeria had an amazing record against the Beninoise in their previous 14 games, with 12 wins and 2 ties. In their two games against Benin, not even the CHAN Eagles scored two goals. Nigeria’s record now includes a defeat, courtesy of coach Finidi Geroge and his less-than-stellar Super Eagles. Unfortunately, it happens not at an international friendly but during a World Cup qualifier.

With three points after four games and currently four points behind the Benin Republic, who moved up to the top of Group C following their thrilling victory in Abidjan. The calculators and permutations are out already for Nigeria, If Zimbabwe wins their match, Nigeria will stay in fifth place in the group and may perhaps drop to the bottom.

The Super Eagles have not won any of their previous seven games in the series, with six draws and one loss. This is Nigeria’s worst run ever during the World Cup qualifying campaign. The game run isn’t of a team ready to compete at the Mundial against the top countries. Thus the Eagles are set to miss out on the North American party as the World Cup will be co-hosted by the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Nigerians will hope the situation can be salvaged with George Finidi’s now out of the job following his resignation on Saturday.

Nigeria’s Democracy Day and the many questions

Since gaining independence, Nigeria’s democracy has been brittle and inconsistent, despite the hurdles, the West African country marked twenty-five years of uninterrupted civil reign in the current fourth republic which began in 1999 after years of military interregnums on Wednesday, being 12th of June the date of a water-shed presidential election widely believed to have been won by Chief MKO Abiola. More than 200 ethnic groups make up this complex nation, whose borders were determined by British colonialists, and successive governments have battled to forge a sense of national unity. The various regions of the country have had varying rates of democratization and development.

Former President Muhammadu Buhari issued an order on June 7, 2018, changing the date of the country’s Democracy Day from May 29 to June 12 annually. Additionally, Buhari bestowed the highest national title, the Grand Commander of the Federal Republic, upon Chief Moshood Abiola, the victor of the cancelled June 12, 1993, presidential election. Buhari went on to say that since Nigeria’s independence, the June 12. The 1993, election was the most peaceful, fair, and free one.

The civil war and the military era’s concentration of power gravely damaged Nigeria’s democracy. The battle developed a strong, affluent, and frequently dishonest military elite and contributed to the concentration of oil earnings in the hands of army officials. Nigeria’s political sphere was militarized by the dictatorships, and the emergence of democratic institutions and culture was impeded.

Nigeria’s democratic years are counting, but Nigeria remains below average in the reality of democratic indicators, notably on matters relating to civil rights, economic and social rights, civil and political participation, free and fair elections, rule of law, military and police control, government accountability and media tolerance. At no other time does the country needs the true expression of Bola Tinubu’s catchphrase of “Renewed Hope” beyond mere rhetorics.

From Palace to Trial: Story of Niger’s ousted President Bazoum

The travails of the ousted Nigerien president, Mohamed Bazoum went tougher on Friday as his lawyers confirmed that the State Court of Niamey has withdrawn the immunity, signalling the beginning of criminal proceedings against him by the junta. Bazoum was overthrown by a military coup in July of last year and placed under house arrest with his family after the coup. Since then, the Western countries and the ECOWAS regional political and economic bloc have repeatedly called for his release, but he and his spouse have stayed in detention.

Bazoum and his spouse have never appeared before a magistrate, according to his attorneys. Attorneys claimed that since October, when the White House disconnected their phone line, they have been isolated from the outside world and are only allowed to receive visits from their physician. The Niger military tribunal granted temporary release from home confinement to Mohamed Bazoum Salem, the deposed president’s 23-year-old son, in January.

Eight coups in West and Central Africa have resulted in the installation of military governments since 2020. Even after ruling last year that Bazoum’s arrest was unlawful, the ECOWAS Court of Justice has not responded to calls for his reinstatement.

The coup has put the country against a lot of its international allies particularly because the country favoured relations with France whose influence in Africa is fading fast. The French military was driven out of the region by new regimes in Mali, and Burkina Faso in the current wave. Since then, a law that assisted in preventing individuals from West Africa from travelling to Europe has been repealed. To reduce the number of illegal immigrants, the EU wishes to collaborate more closely with African nations.

Bazoum represents a political establishment, being the continuity candidate in the last election and a former foreign affairs minister in a country regularly ranked as the world’s poorest where jihadist attacks have surged in recent years and his legal travails are capable of upsetting the polity beyond just military incursion.

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Behind the News

Behind the News: All the backstories to our major news this week



Over the past week, there were lots of important stories from around the African continent, and we served you some of the most topical ones.

Here is a rundown of the backstories to some of the biggest news in Africa that we covered during the week:

1. ‘Come clean on secret subsidy payments,’ Atiku tells Tinubu

Nigerians were rudely shocked last Wednesday when Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Wale Edun announced that the government is still paying subsidy for fuel after President Bola Tinubu had pronounced the end of the subsidy regime in his inaugural speech on May 29, 2023.

The unilateral removal of fuel subsidy brought with it a rise in the cost of living with fuel price shooting up and the cost of food items rising beyond the reach of the common man.

However, Edun, while presentating the Accelerated Stabilisation and Advancement Plan (ASAP) report, alluded to the fact that fuel subsidy will gulp N5.4 trillion in 2024 after the initial denial that government had completely deregulated the product.

“At current rates, expenditure on fuel subsidy is projected to reach N5.4 trillion by the end of 2024. This compares unfavourably with N3.6 trillion in 2023 and N2.0 trillion in 2022,” Edun had said.

The report painted a clear picture that despite the surface removal of fuel subsidy, the government was still paying it.

The revelation drew lots of criticism from Nigerians including former Vice President Atiku Abubakar who told Tinubu to come clean and tell Nigerians the truth about the subsidy payments.

Atiku, who made his views known in a statement on Wednesday, accused the Tinubu government of lacking in transparency and accountability while deceiving Nigerians in handling the affairs of the country.

President Bola Tinubu, at his inauguration on May 29, 2023, announced the abolishment of the subsidy on PMS, popularly known as fuel.

“Ever since, it has been a bragging right of Tinubu and officials of his administration.

“It is curious that since April 2024, fuel queues have mounted at many filling stations across Nigeria, and the infamous ‘black market’ has sprouted in several states. How much PMS is being imported and distributed, and at what cost? What is the implicit subsidy?

“If the subsidy regime had been characterised by opaqueness, what would we say of a situation where the subsidy is still being paid under the cover without Nigerians in the know?

“Like millions of Nigerians, I was shocked to learn through media reports that
the “government is still supporting downstream consumption.

“Now we know that expenditure on fuel subsidy may reach N5.4 trillion in 2024, compared to the N3.6 trillion spent in 2023, the same year that Tinubu claimed to have abolished fuel subsidy,” Atiku said.

Though the government came out to debunk the report from the Minister, insisting that it is no longer paying for subsidy, the question on the lips of Nigerians have been who is lying to the masses.

Nigerians want to know what the conflicting statements from the Minister and the government which were at variance with the situation on ground.

Why is the Tinubu government engaging in trial-and-error economic policies that have refused to yield positive results for the country?

And as Atiku pointed out, why would the government still engage in subsidy payments yet lie about it?

So many questions are begging for answers here.

2. Less talk, more work, please

For the umpteenth time, President Bola Tinubu reiterated his resolve and commitment to improving the quality of life of Nigerians with his now famous “bold reforms” and policies which he embarked upon since assuming office as Nigeria’s president a year ago.

While commissioning some projects in Federal Capital Territory on Monday,

Tinubu, said he has been “having sleepless nights” working hard to improve the lives of Nigerians under his watch.

“I reaffirm my administration’s dedication to enhancing the quality of life for all Nigerians. What is unfolding in the Federal Capital is a testament to what can be achieved by the government’s Renewed Hope Agenda of quality transformation of the FCT, and indeed Nigeria,” Tinubu said.

But the downtrodden Nigerian masses are not convinced with their President’s level of commitment to taking the country out of the woods due to what they are currently going through.

Under Tinubu’s watch, cost of living has escalated to the extent that common commodities have gone out of the reach of the people.

Inflation has skyrocketed, multinational companies are closing down and leaving the country in droves, insecurity has gone up unabated and the people are going through unbearable hardship and hunger.

Nigerians are unanimously asking President Tinubu to do less of talking and rather concentrate on working more to return the confidence that has been lost in his government.

3. Invitation to anarchy? Zambian opposition party threatens civil disobedience

Worried by alleged oppression by the Zambia government which uses the nation’s security forces to intimidate opposition parties, the Socialist Party (SP), threatened to embark on civil disobedience by bypassing a “no-rally” order placed by the Zambia Police Service.

The SP which was angered by the cancellation of its planned political rally which was scheduled to take place at Kitwe’s Changanamai Grounds in the Copperbelt on Saturday, vowed to go against the police order and go ahead with its rally.

In a statement by SP’s Party General-Secretary, Dr Cosmas Musumali, the party said despite applying to the police in Kitwe District seeking permission to hold a rally at Changanamai Grounds in Riverside on June 8, but were denied by the police authorities.

“SP President Dr Fred M’membe is going to speak to the nation on pertinent issues affecting the country, such as the high prices of commodities, political intimidation and violence,” Musumali stated.

“We went ahead thinking that after so many attempts to speak to the people of Zambia as a political party on issues that need answers, we would be allowed. But we are being told that we cannot go ahead because the situation in the country is volatile.

“We have read and we have heard from the ruling party UPND that they are not going to allow any rally. This is dictatorship of the worst order. Under the PF, as a party, we were allowed at least two rallies.”

The political situation in Zambia succinctly mirrors what are obtainable in many African countries where the government in power does everything to muscle and silence the opposition or any dissenting voice that seem to deviate from its leadership style.

And typically, they always seem to have their way as the security agencies, more often than not, play to the dictates of the ruling government.

A clear case of he who pays the piper dictates the tone!

“We do not need police permission to go ahead with this rally. We are going to proceed on June 8, 2024, at Changanamai Grounds in Kitwe. Our members and supporters are welcome as SP President Fred M’membe will deliver a message of hope,” Musumali concluded.

4. When love hurts as Achraf Hakimi’s ex-wife gives up

The estranged wife of Moroccan international football star, Achraf Hakimi, Hiba Abouk, has given up on love after she confessed that she has been hurt and disappointed several times by all the men who come into in her life.

Abouk who is coming to terms with the reality of her messy split from the Moroccan international after she discovered that all his assets were in his mother’s with little or nothing left for her, cried out in a podcast broadcast on Friday, saying she is no longer interested in love and relationships following her failed marriage to the PSG footballer.

In the podcast, Abouk, a 37-year-old Spanish-Tunisian actress also branded her marriage to the footballer a failed project, after their union had been blessed with two children.

“All men have been a disappointment. I’m a little hater on this subject,” the mother of two said.

Abouk and Hakimi made the headlines in 2023 following their messy divorce after Hakimi was indicted by the French police on charges of rape and sexually assaulting a French woman.

In the heat of the scandal, many African men had applauded the footballer for taking the steps of transferring his assets to his mother.

Many cited the examples of former Ivory Coast and Arsenal player, Eboue, who lost everything to his ex-wife after their divorce.

Apart from Emmanuel Eboue, examples abound of many African players have also lost their life earnings to their wives after their divorce.

5. Despite Tinubu’s vow, Nigeria still goes a-borrowing

Despite a stern vow from President Bola Tinubu that the era of Nigeria going cap in hand to borrow money from the international community, the country once again, accessed a $500 million loan from World Bank to rejig its power sector.

The loan which has jerked up the country’s burgeoning debt profile, came following the increase in charges for high-volume consumers in Africa’s most populous country.

According to the Bureau of Public Enterprise (BPE), “the loan was included in the government’s borrowing plan for the month following the fulfilment of certain objectives.”

The BPE, in a statement on Friday, said the goal of the concessionary loan “is to help distribution businesses, who have had difficulty growing their capacity more than ten years after Nigeria turned over control of its electrical industry to private companies, perform better financially and technically.”

With the new loan, Nigeria’s debt profile has continued to rise, running into trillions of naira and continues to pile up pressure for the country.

Successive administrations seem not to learn from the past as they tend to always run to these international agencies to borrow money, thereby leaving the country at the mercy of their creditors.

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